Borg Arrive At Earth
This is my Solar System project “Borg Arrive At Earth” of the Coursera course “Game Design And Development”.
I added the following elements:
- Sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth and Moon
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Random Comet
- Big slow Comet
- Borg Cube with Laser
Created by Benjamin Piest
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You were working on the same project as me, but your looks so much better. Really... I am a little bit ashamed of myself after seeing your work. Really well done!
Hey, I remember your work. I reviewed it in the course. Honestly, don't be ashamed of your work. I really liked it. You took the time to add the ring to Saturn, the planets have a nice size and it looks great. All the other projects I've seen just did the minimum. Like adding two more planets.
Thank you so much for your feedback. Highly appreciated and motivates me to work on the next project of the course.
Looking forward to seeing your next project. Maybe we could provide feedback to each other independently of the peer review in the course.